The Intake

Insights for those starting, managing, and growing independent healthcare practices

Complete 2024 calendar of health observances and holidays in the US (free monthly downloads)

Health observance calendars make it easier for practices to market proactive care services to patients. Get organized and boost your healthcare marketing efforts with our free calendar.

healthcare observances calendar

At a Glance

  • Highlighting monthly health observances allows healthcare providers and medical practices to meaningfully engage patients and raise awareness about specific health issue

August 2024 healthcare observances and marketing ideas

We may be heading into the dog days of summer, but the August calendar is just as full of important healthcare observances and ample opportunities for your medical office to engage with your community, share vital health information with your patients, and encourage proactive healthcare behaviors. 

August offers 5 specific marketing opportunities to help you engage with your patients: 

  • National Immunization Awareness Month
  • National Breastfeeding Month
  • National Minority Donor Awareness Month
  • International Overdose Awareness Day
  • Breast Cancer Research Day
August 2024 healthcare marketing opportunities

National Immunization Awareness Month 

Because of vaccines, some of the most deadly and debilitating diseases in history are now under control — while others, like smallpox, have been eradicated. That said, keeping them under control is an ongoing effort, and staying up to date is vital. 

While National Immunization Awareness Month (NIAM) is observed every August to highlight the importance of vaccination for people of all ages, it almost seems fitting that it coincides with back-to-school preparations across the country. NIAM is an opportunity to educate your patients and community about the benefits of vaccination and encourage people to stay updated with their immunizations.

Marketing ideas and activities:

  1. Educational campaigns: Share infographics on social media or articles in blogs and newsletters reminding patients about the importance of vaccines, their safety, and their role in preventing diseases. To make it even easier to get the word out, the CDC offers free promotional materials you can use. 
  2. Free immunization clinics: Partner with your local health department to offer free or discounted vaccination clinics.
  3. Webinars and Q&A sessions: Host virtual events where healthcare professionals can answer questions about vaccines.
  4. Patient reminders: Partner with your in-office EHR expert to send out email (or text) reminders to patients about upcoming vaccinations they or their children may need.

National Breastfeeding Month 

While the phrase "breast is best" has become wildly popular in the last 10 to 15 years, most people may not know how dynamic and powerful breastmilk actually is. Breastmilk contains a host of essential nutrients and antibodies that help protect infants from short- and long-term illnesses like ear infections, stomach bugs, asthma, obesity, and type 1 diabetes.

In 2011, the United States Breastfeeding Committee (USBC) officially declared August National Breastfeeding Month — which coincides with National WIC Breastfeeding Week (the first week of August) hosted by the US Department of Agriculture.

Both observances aim to support and encourage breastfeeding and raise awareness about the support systems available to new mothers and birthing parents. 

Shining a light on why protecting, promoting, and supporting lactation is so important, the 2024 NBM theme is nourish, sustain, thrive.

Marketing ideas and activities:

  1. Support groups: Partner with local doulas or lactation consultants and host breastfeeding support groups or workshops for new birthing parents in your community. 
  2. Informative content: Share social media and newsletter content or blog articles that highlight personal stories about the benefits of breastfeeding.
  3. Resource distribution: Provide pamphlets in your office or share resources about breastfeeding techniques and support services across your social media channels.
  4. Partnerships: Partner with local businesses to offer breastfeeding-friendly spaces and resources in their establishments. This encourages new birthing parents to visit and feel supported in these establishments.

National Minority Donor Awareness Month

Studies show that African Americans make up the largest group of minorities in need of organ transplants, yet they are consistently underrepresented in the donor pool. Pair that with statistics like 17 people die each day while they wait for a transplant, and the picture looks pretty grim. 

In light of such startling statistics, August has been designated as National Minority Donor Awareness Month, the aim of which is to raise awareness about the need for more organ, eye, and tissue donors from minority communities.

Marketing ideas and activities:

  1. Awareness campaigns: Share stories and statistics about the importance of minority donor registration across social media channels and in newsletters and blogs.
  2. Donor drives: Partner with other providers in your area to host donor registration events at local community centers, churches, or other venues. 
  3. Educational materials: Distribute brochures and fact sheets that debunk myths and provide accurate information on organ donation.
  4. Community events: Partner with local minority organizations to host events and talks on the significance of organ donation within their communities.

Other month-long observances for August 2024 include:

  • Children’s Eye Health and Safety Awareness Month
  • National Eye Exam Month
  • Summer Sun Safety Month
  • Psoriasis Action Month

August 2024 days to note and weeks to calendar

In addition to month-long healthcare observances, there are ample daily and weekly healthcare observances to note for any marketing activities you may like to plan. 

International Overdose Awareness Day

The latest statistics from the National Institutes of Health show that over 100,000 people in the US died from drug-related overdose in 2022. And with the ongoing opioid epidemic, we suspect those numbers will only increase in the coming years. 

To shine a light on the problem, International Overdose Awareness Day is observed globally on August 31 each year. The primary message of Overdose Awareness Day is one of awareness about drug overdoses and ways to curtail the stigma of drug-related deaths. Moreover, the observance is intended to acknowledge the grief felt by families and friends of those who have died or suffered permanent injury due to drug overdose. The symbols for overdose awareness are silver and purple ribbons. 

Marketing ideas and activities:

  1. Awareness campaigns: Use social media and your practice's website to share important information about the signs of drug use and overdoses and how to prevent them.
  2. Memorial events: If your community has been particularly hard hit by the opioid crisis and overdoses, consider partnering with local churches and rehab facilities to host a candlelight vigil or a similar remembrance event to honor those lost to overdose. 
  3. Social media memorial: Consider launching a social media campaign where members of your community can post written tributes to their loved ones. 
  4. Training sessions: Partner with local law enforcement to offer free Narcan (naloxone) training sessions to the community.
  5. Partnerships: Collaborate with local addiction recovery organizations to provide resources and support.

Breast Cancer Research Day

The American Cancer Society reports that while death rates from cancer have been on the decline since 1989, breast cancer remains the second leading cause of cancer death in women

The only good news here is that decreases in breast cancer deaths may be attributable to new research, earlier screenings, increased awareness, and new and improved treatment options. 

To keep things moving in the right direction, World Breast Cancer Research Day is observed annually on August 18. This day highlights the importance of funding and supporting breast cancer research and is dedicated to advancing the understanding of breast cancer and improving the treatment options available to patients.

Marketing ideas and activities:

  1. Fundraising events: Rally your community by organizing charity runs, walks, or bake sales to raise money for breast cancer research.
  2. Informative campaigns: Invite your patients, staff, and their families to share their breast cancer survivor stories across social media channels, newsletters, and blogs. 
  3. Patient education: Provide educational materials about breast cancer prevention, screening, treatment options, and the latest research developments on social media and newsletters.
  4. Collaborations: Partner with local businesses to promote breast cancer research fundraising efforts.

Other daily and weekly observances include:

  • World Lung Cancer Day, August 1
  • World Breastfeeding Week, August 1–7
  • National Health Center Week, August 4–10
  • OSHA's Safe and Sound Week, August 12–18
  • World Humanitarian Day, August 19
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July 2024 month-long observances

  • National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month, or BIPOC Mental Health Awareness Month
  • Ultraviolet (UV) Safety Month #PracticeSafeSun
  • Sarcoma Awareness Month
  • Cord Blood Awareness Month
  • Heavy Vision Month
  • International Group B Strep Awareness Month
  • Juvenile Arthritis Awareness Month
  • National Cleft & Craniofacial Awareness and Prevention Month
  • National Hemochromatosis Awareness Month

July 2024 days to note and weeks to calendar

  • Last day to register to administer the Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS) for MIPS survey, July 1
  • The last day to start a 180-day performance period for promoting interoperability (MIPS), July 5
  • World Brain Day, July 11
  • World Sjogren’s Day, July 23
  • World Hepatitis Day, June 28
July 2024 Intake Marketing Calendar
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June 2024 healthcare holiday observances and marketing ideas

June offers various healthcare observances to help you engage with your patients.

June 2024 month-long observances

  • Men’s Health Month
  • Autistic Pride Day
  • PTSD Awareness Month
  • Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month
  • National Safety Month 
  • Cataract Awareness Month 

June 2024 days to note and weeks to calendar

  • National Cancer Survivors Day, June 2
  • National CPR and (Automated External Defibrillator) AED Awareness Week, June 1–7
  • Family Health and Fitness Day, June 8
  • World Blood Donor Day, June 14
  • World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, June 15
  • Autistic Pride Day, June 18
  • National HIV Testing Day, June 27
June 2024 The Intake Marketing Calendar
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May 2024 healthcare observances and marketing ideas

Learn about monthlong May observances to mark on your calendar.

May 2024 monthlong observances

  • Mental Health Awareness Month
  • National Nurses Month
  • Asthma Awareness Month
  • Arthritis Awareness Month
  • Better Sleep Month
  • High Blood Pressure Awareness Month
  • Lyme Disease Awareness Month
  • Maternal Mental Health Month
  • National Stroke Awareness Month
  • National Women’s Health Month

May 2024 days to note and weeks to calendar

  • World Asthma Day, May 7
  • World MS Day, May 30
  • World Ovarian Cancer Day May 8 
  • World Hypertension Day, May 17
  • World Schizophrenia Day, May 24
May 2024 healthcare observances calendar
Patient Perspectives Report

April 2024 healthcare observances and marketing ideas

Here are some monthlong April observances to have on your radar.

April 2024 monthlong observances

  • National Minority Health Month
  • Autism Awareness Month
  • March for Babies
  • Stress Awareness Month
  • Parkinson’s Awareness Month
  • Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM)
  • Testicular Cancer Awareness Month

April 2024 days to note and weeks to calendar

  • World Health Day
  • World Autism Awareness Day, April 2 
  • World Parkinson’s Day, April 11
  • Black Maternal Health Week, April 11–17
  • National Infertility Awareness Week,  April 21–27
  • National Youth Violence Prevention Week, April 22–26
  • National Prescription Drug Take Back Day, April 27
  • Patient Experience Week, April 29–May 3
April 2024 healthcare observances calendar
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March 2024 healthcare observances and marketing ideas

Discover which March events to have on your radar for your patients and communities.

March 2024 month-long observances

  • National Kidney Month
  • Brain Injury Awareness Month
  • National Nutrition Month
  • National Endometriosis Awareness Month
  • National MS Education and Awareness Month
  • National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month

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March days to note and weeks to calendar

Learn about week-long observances and individual days to promote and boost patient health.

  • World Birth Defects Day, March 3
  • Patient Safety Awareness Week, March 10-16, 2024
  • National Sleep Awareness Week, March 10-16
  • World Sleep Day, Friday, March 15
  • National Poison Prevention Week, March 17–23
  • World Tuberculosis Day, March 24
March 2024 healthcare observances calendar
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February 2024 healthcare observances and marketing ideas

A well-thought-out calendar can help align practice marketing efforts and engage with patients and the broader community. Here’s a list of healthcare marketing ideas for February.

February 2024 month-long observances

  • Age-Related Macular Degeneration Awareness Month (AMD Awareness Month)
  • American Heart Month
  • International Prenatal Infection Prevention Month
  • National Cancer Prevention Month
  • National Self-Check Month

February 2024 days to note and weeks to calendar

  • Cardiovascular Professionals Week, February 11–17
  • Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia Care Staff Education Week, February 14–21
  • National Eating Disorder Awareness Week, February 26–March 1 
  • National Wear Red Day (Heart Disease Awareness), February 3
  • World Cancer Day, February 4
  • National Donor Day, February 14
  • National Caregivers Day, February 16
  • Rare Disease Day, February 29
Integrate seasonal campaigns to achieve better patient outcomes and make a meaningful difference in your community. ”
February 2024 healthcare observances calendar
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January 2024 healthcare observances

To help you tailor your marketing strategy, here are a few key January observances to note on your annual marketing calendar. 

January 2024 month-long observances

  • Glaucoma Awareness Month
  • National Birth Defects Prevention Month
  • Cervical Cancer Screening Month
  • National Blood Donor Month
  • Thyroid Awareness Month

January 2024 days to note and weeks to calendar

  • Diet Resolution Week, January 1 to 7 
  • National Take the Stairs Day, January 10
  • Maternal Health Awareness Day, January 23
  • World Leprosy Day, January 28
The Intake Marketing Calendar

Show your patients they are on your mind

By embracing these observances, medical practices can lean into thoughtful marketing strategies to show patients they care and amplify their community impact. Social media campaigns, a targeted email strategy, website content, and community outreach events are great ways to help disseminate valuable information and foster a culture of proactive health care and management. Moreover, by aligning healthcare services with the needs of the community during these awareness months, providers can empower individuals to prioritize their health and well-being throughout the year.

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Sharon Brandwein, Freelance healthcare writer

Sharon Brandwein, CSSC, is a certified sleep science coach and a freelance writer. She specializes in health, parenting, and all things sleep. In her work on independent healthcare practices, she focuses on helping providers with their messages and resources, which ultimately benefits patients. She believes that independent practices are likely to be more responsive to patients’ needs, ultimately boosting care. Her work has appeared on ABC News, USA Today, Parents, and Forbes.

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