Cardiologists near you

Cardiologist providers include doctors, nurses, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants. They often maintain long-term relationships with you and advise and treat you on a range of health related issues.

  1. Atlanta, GA
  2. Baltimore, MD
  3. Chicago, IL
  4. Dallas, TX
  5. Denver, CO
  6. Detroit, MI
  7. Houston, TX
  8. Los Angeles, CA
  9. Miami, FL
  10. New York, NY
  11. Orlando, FL
  12. Philadelphia, PA
  13. Phoenix, AZ
  14. Riverside, CA
  15. San Antonio, TX
  16. San Diego, CA
  17. San Francisco, CA
  18. Seattle, WA
  19. Tampa, FL
  20. Washington, DC

Chiropractors near you

Chiropractor providers include doctors, nurses, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants. They often maintain long-term relationships with you and advise and treat you on a range of health related issues.

  1. Atlanta, GA
  2. Baltimore, MD
  3. Boston, MA
  4. Charlotte, NC
  5. Chicago, IL
  6. Dallas, TX
  7. Denver, CO
  8. Detroit, MI
  9. Houston, TX
  10. Los Angeles, CA
  11. Miami, FL
  12. Minneapolis, MN
  13. New York, NY
  14. Orlando, FL
  15. Philadelphia, PA
  16. Phoenix, AZ
  17. Riverside, CA
  18. San Antonio, TX
  19. San Diego, CA
  20. San Francisco, CA
  21. Seattle, WA
  22. St. Louis, MO
  23. Tampa, FL
  24. Washington, DC

Dentists near you

Dentist providers include doctors, nurses, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants. They often maintain long-term relationships with you and advise and treat you on a range of health related issues.

  1. Atlanta, GA
  2. Baltimore, MD
  3. Boston, MA
  4. Charlotte, NC
  5. Chicago, IL
  6. Dallas, TX
  7. Denver, CO
  8. Detroit, MI
  9. Houston, TX
  10. Los Angeles, CA
  11. Miami, FL
  12. Minneapolis, MN
  13. New York, NY
  14. Orlando, FL
  15. Philadelphia, PA
  16. Phoenix, AZ
  17. Riverside, CA
  18. San Antonio, TX
  19. San Diego, CA
  20. San Francisco, CA
  21. Seattle, WA
  22. St. Louis, MO
  23. Tampa, FL
  24. Washington, DC

Dermatologists near you

Dermatologist providers include doctors, nurses, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants. They often maintain long-term relationships with you and advise and treat you on a range of health related issues.

  1. Atlanta, GA
  2. Baltimore, MD
  3. Boston, MA
  4. Chicago, IL
  5. Dallas, TX
  6. Denver, CO
  7. Detroit, MI
  8. Houston, TX
  9. Los Angeles, CA
  10. Miami, FL
  11. Minneapolis, MN
  12. New York, NY
  13. Orlando, FL
  14. Philadelphia, PA
  15. Phoenix, AZ
  16. Riverside, CA
  17. San Antonio, TX
  18. San Diego, CA
  19. San Francisco, CA
  20. Seattle, WA
  21. St. Louis, MO
  22. Tampa, FL
  23. Washington, DC

Family Physicians near you

Family Physician providers include doctors, nurses, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants. They often maintain long-term relationships with you and advise and treat you on a range of health related issues.

  1. Atlanta, GA
  2. Baltimore, MD
  3. Boston, MA
  4. Charlotte, NC
  5. Chicago, IL
  6. Dallas, TX
  7. Denver, CO
  8. Detroit, MI
  9. Houston, TX
  10. Los Angeles, CA
  11. Miami, FL
  12. Minneapolis, MN
  13. New York, NY
  14. Orlando, FL
  15. Philadelphia, PA
  16. Phoenix, AZ
  17. Riverside, CA
  18. San Antonio, TX
  19. San Diego, CA
  20. San Francisco, CA
  21. Seattle, WA
  22. St. Louis, MO
  23. Tampa, FL
  24. Washington, DC

OB-GYNs near you

OB-GYN providers include doctors, nurses, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants. They often maintain long-term relationships with you and advise and treat you on a range of health related issues.

  1. Atlanta, GA
  2. Baltimore, MD
  3. Boston, MA
  4. Charlotte, NC
  5. Chicago, IL
  6. Dallas, TX
  7. Denver, CO
  8. Detroit, MI
  9. Houston, TX
  10. Los Angeles, CA
  11. Miami, FL
  12. Minneapolis, MN
  13. New York, NY
  14. Orlando, FL
  15. Philadelphia, PA
  16. Phoenix, AZ
  17. Riverside, CA
  18. San Antonio, TX
  19. San Diego, CA
  20. San Francisco, CA
  21. Seattle, WA
  22. St. Louis, MO
  23. Tampa, FL
  24. Washington, DC

Ophthalmologists near you

Ophthalmologist providers include doctors, nurses, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants. They often maintain long-term relationships with you and advise and treat you on a range of health related issues.

  1. Atlanta, GA
  2. Baltimore, MD
  3. Boston, MA
  4. Charlotte, NC
  5. Chicago, IL
  6. Dallas, TX
  7. Denver, CO
  8. Detroit, MI
  9. Houston, TX
  10. Los Angeles, CA
  11. Miami, FL
  12. Minneapolis, MN
  13. New York, NY
  14. Orlando, FL
  15. Philadelphia, PA
  16. Phoenix, AZ
  17. Riverside, CA
  18. San Diego, CA
  19. San Francisco, CA
  20. St. Louis, MO
  21. Tampa, FL
  22. Washington, DC

Orthopedic Surgeons near you

Orthopedic Surgeon providers include doctors, nurses, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants. They often maintain long-term relationships with you and advise and treat you on a range of health related issues.

  1. Atlanta, GA
  2. Baltimore, MD
  3. Boston, MA
  4. Charlotte, NC
  5. Chicago, IL
  6. Dallas, TX
  7. Denver, CO
  8. Detroit, MI
  9. Houston, TX
  10. Los Angeles, CA
  11. Miami, FL
  12. New York, NY
  13. Orlando, FL
  14. Philadelphia, PA
  15. Phoenix, AZ
  16. Riverside, CA
  17. San Antonio, TX
  18. San Diego, CA
  19. San Francisco, CA
  20. Seattle, WA
  21. St. Louis, MO
  22. Tampa, FL
  23. Washington, DC

Pediatricians near you

Pediatrician providers include doctors, nurses, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants. They often maintain long-term relationships with you and advise and treat you on a range of health related issues.

  1. Atlanta, GA
  2. Baltimore, MD
  3. Boston, MA
  4. Charlotte, NC
  5. Chicago, IL
  6. Dallas, TX
  7. Denver, CO
  8. Detroit, MI
  9. Houston, TX
  10. Los Angeles, CA
  11. Miami, FL
  12. Minneapolis, MN
  13. New York, NY
  14. Orlando, FL
  15. Philadelphia, PA
  16. Phoenix, AZ
  17. Riverside, CA
  18. San Antonio, TX
  19. San Diego, CA
  20. San Francisco, CA
  21. Seattle, WA
  22. St. Louis, MO
  23. Tampa, FL
  24. Washington, DC

Physical Therapists near you

Physical Therapist providers include doctors, nurses, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants. They often maintain long-term relationships with you and advise and treat you on a range of health related issues.

  1. Atlanta, GA
  2. Baltimore, MD
  3. Boston, MA
  4. Charlotte, NC
  5. Chicago, IL
  6. Dallas, TX
  7. Denver, CO
  8. Detroit, MI
  9. Houston, TX
  10. Los Angeles, CA
  11. Miami, FL
  12. Minneapolis, MN
  13. New York, NY
  14. Orlando, FL
  15. Philadelphia, PA
  16. Phoenix, AZ
  17. Riverside, CA
  18. San Antonio, TX
  19. San Diego, CA
  20. San Francisco, CA
  21. Seattle, WA
  22. St. Louis, MO
  23. Tampa, FL
  24. Washington, DC

Podiatrists near you

Podiatrist providers include doctors, nurses, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants. They often maintain long-term relationships with you and advise and treat you on a range of health related issues.

  1. Atlanta, GA
  2. Baltimore, MD
  3. Boston, MA
  4. Charlotte, NC
  5. Chicago, IL
  6. Dallas, TX
  7. Denver, CO
  8. Detroit, MI
  9. Houston, TX
  10. Los Angeles, CA
  11. Miami, FL
  12. Minneapolis, MN
  13. New York, NY
  14. Orlando, FL
  15. Philadelphia, PA
  16. Phoenix, AZ
  17. Riverside, CA
  18. San Antonio, TX
  19. San Diego, CA
  20. San Francisco, CA
  21. Seattle, WA
  22. St. Louis, MO
  23. Tampa, FL
  24. Washington, DC

Psychiatrists near you

Psychiatrist providers include doctors, nurses, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants. They often maintain long-term relationships with you and advise and treat you on a range of health related issues.

  1. Atlanta, GA
  2. Baltimore, MD
  3. Boston, MA
  4. Charlotte, NC
  5. Chicago, IL
  6. Dallas, TX
  7. Denver, CO
  8. Detroit, MI
  9. Houston, TX
  10. Los Angeles, CA
  11. Miami, FL
  12. Minneapolis, MN
  13. New York, NY
  14. Orlando, FL
  15. Philadelphia, PA
  16. Phoenix, AZ
  17. Riverside, CA
  18. San Antonio, TX
  19. San Diego, CA
  20. San Francisco, CA
  21. Seattle, WA
  22. St. Louis, MO
  23. Tampa, FL
  24. Washington, DC

Dekalb Women’s Specialists

Practice statement

Dekalb Women’s Specialists offers comprehensive health care for adult women at the offices in Decatur and Stonecrest, Georgia. Board-certified OB/GYNs Albert Scott, Jr., MD, and Mercy Amua-Quarshie, MD, have extensive experience helping women manage their reproductive wellness and overall health through every phase of life. The providers have over 75 years of combined experience to ensure every woman gets the high-quality care they deserve.

Dr. Scott founded Dekalb Women Specialists in 1991 and is currently serving as its Managing Physician. Dekalb Women’s Specialists utilizes Northside Hospital and Emory Decatur Hospital for admissions and surgeries.

Preventive services, including well-woman exams, Pap smears, and sexually transmitted disease (STD) testing, are available to lower a woman’s risk for long-term complications. The team also offers a range of popular birth control options to prevent unintended pregnancies.

The physicians value the importance of education and provide resources to help women make the most informed health decisions. They use advanced diagnostic technologies, including ultrasound imaging, to identify uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Testing is available on-site, so women won’t have to travel anywhere else.

The Dekalb Women’s Specialists team offers personalized solutions for women experiencing symptoms of a hormone imbalance due to menopause or underlying medical conditions. They utilize Biote® bioidentical hormones to restore hormone balance and relieve symptoms like hot flashes, mood swings, and vaginal dryness.

Dekalb Women’s Specialists offers minimally invasive surgery for conditions not treatable with conservative therapies, including laparoscopic hysterectomies to address severe pelvic pain, endometriosis, and abnormal bleeding. The team also has specialized training in the da Vinci® robotic surgery platform to treat gynecological conditions without causing unnecessary trauma to surrounding tissues.

The friendly staff maintains a comfortable, safe space for women from all walks of life. The experienced medical team takes a personalized approach to managing acute and chronic gynecological conditions, emphasizing high-quality, compassionate care.

Call Dekalb Women’s Specialists in Decatur or Stonecrest, Georgia, to schedule a consultation or book an appointment online today. 



2 Providers at 1 location

Dr. Mercy Amua-Quarshie, MD
Dr. Mercy Amua-Quarshie, MD OB-GYN
4.9 (39)
1458 Church St.
Unit B
Decatur, GA 30030
View profile
Dr. Mercy Amua-Quarshie, MD

Dr. Mercy Amua-Quarshie, MD


1458 Church St.
Unit B
Decatur, GA 30030

4.9 (39)
Dr. Albert Scott, MD
Dr. Albert Scott, MD OB-GYN
4.9 (24)
1458 Church St.
Unit B
Decatur, GA 30030
View profile
Dr. Albert Scott, MD

Dr. Albert Scott, MD


1458 Church St.
Unit B
Decatur, GA 30030

4.9 (24)